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Another stressful day

Well, I still can online..hehe.. Going to take the chance to post as many post as possible before the internet connection is unavailable..hehe..

As the title may sounds, I has been went through stressful day, at the imigresen department again. Today, I force to woke up at 7 in the morning, the earliest time I wake up since I went back home. Then, going straight to the imigresen department. Reach there about 7.30. OMG, We went so early but in the at we still end up queuing outside the department. There are people even earlier than us. But it is ok, as expected already. Then I went to pay for my passport and wait for my passport to be done for about one hour. Then need to wait for my brother some more. One hour pass after I get my passport, my bro is still waiting. His number is 1072 and the current number is 1010. OMG, they spent more than 2 hours time merely settle only 10 people application. I bet my bro needs to wait for few more hours, but I cant take it anymore, I don't want to wait with them, so I decided to take bus home. And then, here I am writing this blog now.

By the way, I have decide to go back to Penang, I don't want to stay at Miri anymore. The UPPU said there still have room, so I just have to confirm my date now. Soon, I will be meeting my friends at penang, miss them so very much lo..hehe..

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